Toolbox Software Customizer
In order to individualize your drive system with the Customizer you need the Ride 50 Evation Motor Software from version 2.0. You can find out how to connect your Drivepack with the Toolbox Software and update your system here.
Caution: The following text contains nerd-talk.
With the FAZUA Toolbox Software 2.0, every FAZUA rider who has updated his/her drive system to the latest Motor Software now has a Customizer available. Properties for riding behavior can be set individually in the Customizer. There are two options: a simple selection of three presets per riding characteristic and an extended option for advanced users, in which all settings can be adjusted precisely and transparently for each riding mode.

The EASY setting of the Customizer allows you to select Max Power, Support Relation and Ramp-Up from three predefined settings. The factory setting of our software is "moderate" for all three riding characteristics – you can always choose a stronger or weaker setting. All three riding modes (Breeze, River and Rocket) are always changed together. The selected settings are shown in the diagrams.

In the ADVANCED settings there is the extended option to change the riding characteristics in a more differentiated way. It is therefore possible to individually adapt each riding mode to your own needs. The values of the settings are displayed transparently and can be made either using the sliders or in the diagram by dynamically shifting each riding mode.
Our tip: First, find a suitable predefined setting (under "EASY") and refine it under "ADVANCED"
Max Power
Max Power regulates the maximum mechanical power output and the maximum torque of the support. In Moderate, the Max Power is 100 watts (Breeze), 210 watts (River) and 250 watts (Rocket). In Eco the Max Power is reduced for all three riding modes, to 70 watts (Breeze), 140 watts (River) and 200 watts (Rocket). This reduces energy consumption and extends the range. In the Performance preset, the maximum power is higher, at 120 watts (Breeze), 260 watts (River) and 300 watts (Rocket). As a result, the energy consumption is greater and your range decreases.

In the extended settings, you can limit the maximum power for each riding mode individually to a mechanical power value (in watts). This limitation applies across the entire cadence spectrum. The maximum torque is adjusted in a predefined ratio.
Max Power has the greatest impact on your range. It is difficult to specify the range in kilometers or meters in altitude, as this is strongly influenced by various parameters such as rider performance, time over 25 km/h , total weight of the rider and the surface. However, among other things, the laboratory results of pure motor running time with constant support can be compared. Here is an example of Rocket mode: With 200 watts of rider power, the range is extended from 33 minutes in Performance to 45 minutes in Moderate and 58 minutes in Eco. In reality, of course, there is the additional time when there is no motor support, when riding downhill or above 25 km/h. The ranges of River and Breeze can be seen in the following graphic.

Caution: Please note that a Max Power setting above 250 watts or Performance is ideal if you need a lot of support for a short time. This is the case, for example, if you want to climb a steep ramp or if you live in the city and are late again. Do not stay with this support on constant climbs, as the range decreases significantly and the system can down-regulate to prevent overheating. For self-protection, the drive will regulate the output depending on the temperature.
Support Relation
The Support Relation determines the relationship between rider performance and motor support. If the value is low, the motor offers its maximum support even with low rider performance. This means that the rider can feel the full power of the motor even when pedaling loosely. This setting is suitable for lightweight people or riders who want a lot of motor support with less personal effort. However, this setting comes at the cost of the natural riding behavior! If the value is set high, a lot of power must be applied so that the motor reaches its max power. This feels very natural and like normal cycling because the motor reacts very sensitively to the rider's changes in performance. This setting is particularly recommended for high-performing people and for technical mountain biking.

In the moderate default setting, the set Max Power is achieved in Breeze with very little rider power (130 watts). The River mode is very progressive, so a lot of power has to be applied with 310 watts so that the motor reaches Max Power. Rocket is slightly progressive, but Max Power can be achieved with moderate rider power of 210 watts. Progressive means: the more you give, the more you get. This characteristic is retained in the alternative presets “Low” and “High”, but shifted. This reduces the progressiveness at “Low” and Max Power is achieved in all riding modes with less rider input, while the progressivity increases at “High”.
In the extended setting, the rider power (in watts) at which Max Power is reached can be set exactly. Up to this value, the rider feels the progressive behavior of the motor, while beyond that the motor power remains constant at Max Power. The set power values in watts refer to a cadence of 80 revolutions per minute, since the motor calculates the Support Relation in relation to torque. This gives the rider a little more motor support at lower cadence, which is often required in low-frequency riding situations. On the other hand, the progressiveness increases somewhat with a high cadence.
What does the Ramp-Up feature mean?
The ramp-up determines the responsiveness of the motor and the power of the acceleration. In the Smooth setting, the motor accelerates with a slight delay and very smoothly. With 0% in Breeze, 20% in River and 30% in Rocket, the motor takes a little longer to develop its power and the performance of the motor is more noticeable. In the Reactive setting with 60% in Breeze, 80% in River and 90% in Rocket, the engine reacts faster and accelerates significantly more.

In the extended setting, each riding mode can be set up to 100% and exactly as desired. In addition to the Ramp-Up, the strength of the acceleration is limited by the set power limit (Max Power). Therefore, a high Ramp-Up value in Breeze feels softer than a comparable value in Rocket due to the lower maximum power.
Organizing settings profiles
Different configurations can be saved as a profile in the Toolbox Software. All saved profiles can be called up again via a drop-down menu. Profiles can be exported, imported and, of course, reset to factory settings at any time.

We hope you enjoy experimenting!